Wed, Jan 05
2022 SJE Conference
Thank you for attending the 20th annual conference of the Society of Jewish Ethics. We hope to see you next year!
Time & Location
Jan 05, 2022, 4:00 PM PST – Jan 09, 2022, 3:00 PM PST
About the Event
With great pleasure, we invite you to register for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society of Jewish Ethics (SJE) which will take place over ZOOM, January 5-9, 2022.
As always, the SJE Annual Meeting is held concurrently with the Annual Meetings of both Society of Christian Ethics (SCE) and the Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics (SSME), affording SJE members the opportunity to attend SCE and SSME sessions as well as SJE sessions.
Join us on Wednesday at 4:00 PM Pacific time for a "welcome schmooze" to check in with friends and colleagues. The SJE's six sessions will begin on Thursday at 10:00 AM Pacific time. You can find the schedule for the SJE meeting here. Please keep in mind that the schedule is in pacific time, so you'll need to adjust for your own location. You will receive a meeting link and password when you register. You will also receive the link in a reminder email a day before the meeting. If you need us to send it to you again, please reach out to admin@societyofjewishethics.org or michal.raucher@rutgers.edu.
In addition to an intellectually stimulating and diverse selection of papers, this year’s conference will include an SJE plenary. Dr. Samira Mehta (University of Colorado, Boulder) will deliver an address titled, “Amid the Other Others: Jews and the Navigation of Race in the United States.” Drawing on both Dr. Mehta’s expertise as a scholar of American Judaism in the broader context of post-WWII American religion, and her identity as a Jew and scholar of color, this talk explores the perils and possibilities of Jews amidst the Other Others.
The SJE is committed to making the conference financially accessible for those who are giving a paper or want to attend. We have significantly reduced our registration fees for the virtual conference. All those who are employed full time will pay $75 to access all parts of the conference. Everyone else will be able to attend the conference at no cost.
We are grateful to all who can make a donation to help support scholarships and graduate students attending the conference. We hope that, while you register for the conference, you will also make a donation to the SJE or to our Adrienne Asch scholarship.
Thank you to our conference co-chairs, Adrienne Krone and Aryeh Cohen. If you have any questions about the conference, you can send them an email at sjeprogramchairs@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you over Zoom!
1 hourWelcome Schmooze
1 hour 15 minutesNarrative and Mythical Thinking
Online-Full time employed
If you are employed full time in any profession, either member or not of the SJE, select this option to access the 2022 SJE meeting
$75.00+$1.88 service feeSale endedOnline--all others
If you are not employed full time, this is the ticket you will purchase for the online event.
$0.00Sale ended