The Adrienne Asch Scholarship
Dr. Adrienne Asch (1946-2013), a long-time board member of the Society of Jewish Ethics, passionately advocated for the SJE, encouraged dialogue across religious traditions and methodological perspectives, was committed to including all marginalized voices, and always welcomed new participants into conversations about ethics.
You can read more about Dr. Asch in the Journal of Jewish Ethics.
After Dr. Asch's death, the Society of Jewish Ethics created the Adrienne Asch Scholarship Fund to honor Dr. Asch’s legacy. This fund is used to support graduate students or others in need of aid to attend the annual SJE conference.
Each year, one participant in the annual meeting with demonstrated need and with a commitment to the values that Dr. Asch cherished will be named the Adrienne Asch Memorial Fellow.
Please help us to honor Dr. Asch's legacy and to build the future of the field of Jewish ethics by making a donation in support of the Adrienne Asch Scholarship Fund.
2015 Jessica Kirzane (Columbia University)
2016 Rebecca Epstein-Levi (University of Virginia)
2017 Timothy Quevillon (University of Houston)
2019 Yitzhak Schwartz (Yeshiva University)