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One more week to submit a proposal for SJE 2023!

Michal Raucher

Updated: May 24, 2022

The next meeting of the Society of Jewish Ethics will be held January 5-8, 2023 in Chicago, IL. After virtual conferences in 2021 and 2022, this year we will be rejoining the Society of Christian Ethics and the Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics for an in person conference. The deadline to submit proposals is COB where you live Wednesday, May 31, 2022.

Proposals dealing with any aspect of Jewish ethics—theoretical or applied, classical or contemporary—are welcome. We seek proposals on any topic, including projects that utilize philosophical, historical, social scientific, cultural studies, literary, or critical theoretical approaches to matters of Jewish ethics.

In addition, this year we are particularly interested in presentations dealing with issues related to race, race-ing and gendering bioethics, health care justice; policing, security in Jewish communal institutions especially alternatives to armed or police based security, conflicting values in creating security for places of worship; affect theory in ethics / emotions in ethics, imagination in ethics; natalism and anti-natalism, the ethics of demography; pluralism vs. democracy, democracy as a moral category in Jewish ethics.

Presentations might also include innovative syllabi in ethics-related disciplines. We are also interested in presentations that highlight activism, for example, the role of Jewish ethicists as activists and consultants, or the intersection of the study of Jewish ethics and activist practice. Panel proposals involving members of the Society of Christian Ethics and Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics are welcome.

This year we are requesting proposals for individual papers and panels. We welcome proposals for papers to be either presented in a session or pre-circulated and discussed during a session. All proposals should include: a tentative title, a proposal (500-700 words), an abbreviated abstract of 100 words to appear in the conference program (this can be revised later), a selected bibliography, and the contact information of the presenter (name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and e-mail address). Panel proposals should include this contact information for all participants. All papers are reviewed anonymously.

We encourage authors to submit their completed papers for publication in the Journal of Jewish Ethics. All presenters must become members of the SJE—you do not have to be a member to submit a proposal. Membership fees are on a generous sliding scale. Ample scholarships are available for the conference this year, with preference given to graduate students, contingent faculty, and others with no institutional support.

Please submit proposals using the SJE 2023 Submission Form. You will be asked to sign into a Google Account to use the submission form. If you do not have a Google account, you can send your proposal via e-mail to:

Questions about the conference may be sent to conference co-chairs, Sarah Zager and Aryeh Cohen:

The deadline for submission of proposals is COB where you live Wednesday, May 31, 2022.

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